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Friday, June 10, 2005

Creative Thinking Aid - Free the Genie Cards

I have a couple of decks such as the one mentioned below and often use them for generating column ideas for Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook. After 8 years (and soon starting the 9th) it helps to have some tools about to prime the pump every now and then.

I really like that you can play around with this deck using the web site. What a great "try-before-you-buy" idea for a real-world product.

"Free the Genie" deck of idea cards

"...Consulting company Creative Thinking's got a set of 55 "Free the Genie" creative thinking cards on sale for 20 bucks. The cards consist of "55 ways to get unstuck," so when you're grinding away on a problem and going nowhere, pick a card, contemplate its advice and get a new perspective on your dilemma. If anything, the Free the Genie deck's a nice little gift for the creative types in your company. A web-based form of the game is available for you to liberate your genie for free. Free the Genie [Creative Thinking]

(Via Lifehacker.)


At 1:10 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

These cards look interesting. I need all the brainstorming tools I can get.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Douglas said...

Yes, there are tons of these cards out there now. I have received several packs, AutoBiography Writing Cards, Writer's Cards, etc. and regularly use them to brainstorm ideas for my weekly column and the blog.


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