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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


What is there not to love about catapults? Maybe it is the boy in me, but there is a definite thrill to hurling objects long distances using only the power of humans or animals. Catapults give you an understanding of the power of gravity and other natural forces in such a direct fashion.

I have seen several television shows detailing the difficulties of constructing full-size catapults and marvel at the inventiveness of those who first conceived, built and used them.

Have a fling! Build a catapult!

How to Build a Catapult

Resource, links and kits for building your own thing to launch other things. Here is a collection of what plans we've been able to collect from around the web. These are compiled from several sources by many people. Some are suitable for physics projects, and some are for more serious hobbyists. You'll have to figure out which ones are right for you. Link.

(Via MAKE: Blog.)


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