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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Two new articles in Valley Scene Magazine

The new issue of Valley Scene Magazine is out and I have two articles in this edition. Both of these articles are more general purpose, rather than focusing on technology, as I usually do.

You can check out these articles until May 14th, 2005 on the Valley Scene Magazine web site and, after that date, directly from this website, using the links below. The articles appear in the Arts & Culture and Electronica sections.

Here is a small sampling of each article:

Micro-chipping your pet

"Losing a family pet can be a heartbreaking experience. When Rover or Tabby slips through an open door or garden gate, owners can be seen frantically driving about the neighborhood or posting signs on telephone poles. While most owners take all the usual precautions to protect their animals, some are turning to technology in order to increase the chances that their pets return home.

RFID Chips

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips are the electronic equivalent of the traditional collar and tag, except they can never be lost or removed. The small chips, 4-5mm, in length are implanted directly beneath the animal's skin, usually between the shoulder blades for easy access. These chips have a special coating that clings to the skin and prevents them from moving about once implanted. Many veterinarians provide RFID implantation as one of their normal services. Average prices run about $40 if there is an existing relationship with a vet." [Continued]

Ventura Studio Artists Tour offers "behind-the-scenes" look at studio and homes

"Watching an artist at work is an intimate experience usually reserved for family and friends. Unless an artist chooses to work in public, most art lovers only see the finished product - the canvas, the ceramic pot, the photograph. On May 21st and 22nd, though, a collection of artists in the Ventura area will throw open the doors to their studios, and even homes, to welcome visitors for the 2nd Annual Ventura Studio Artists Tour 2005.

Visiting an artist's workspace can be amazingly enlightening. Works in progress, source material like photos and sketches, personalized tools like palettes, brushes and easels, each provide a small piece of the puzzle that goes into the final artwork. Even more important, though, are the collections of art with which the artists have surrounded themselves. Balinese shadow puppets hang beside older paintings, which sit beside masks from Venice. These collections can help the visitor understand the underpinnings of the artist's work in ways that words cannot convey." [Continued]


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