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Friday, May 27, 2005

hexod.us: Bike Metro

hexod.us: Bike Metro

Wow! Hexod.us points to a great resource for bikers in LA. Yes, there are people here who actually ride a bicycle. Some of us even walk, too! (GASP)

As they mentiion, the RouterFinder is a great resource. Sort of like a Google Maps for bike routes. It also includes a very necessary item, an elevation map. You want to know if you have head up a mountain or an go through the pass to get where you are going. It also integrates with Mass Transit, so you can take a bus for part of your journey or get home when you go farther afield than your legs can handle.

Bike Metro

Coincidentally, I happened upon this site, Bikemetro:
Looking for a bike route to get you to work and back? Bike paths in your area? Tips on bike maintenance? Information on safe biking? Tricks to make your commute easier? You can find it at BikeMetro.com!

The routefinder is pretty cool, letting you choose a route based on your level of biking ability and giving fairly good directions along with elevation changes so you know when to expect those hills.

(Via hexod.us.)


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