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Friday, April 08, 2005

Free one-to-one web meetings

Sometimes, you really have to see what is showing on another person's computer or view their PowerPoint slides to really understand what they are saying. Falling somewhere between an audio conference call and a video conference, ASAP Express allows 2 (Windows) users to chat, talk, send files and even share their screens. Maybe you need some help in configuring your software, or want to practice your next business pitch, this is one way to do it.

ASAP Express also supports, for pay, conference sessions where you can present your materials to a group of people instead of just one person.

Free one-to-one web meetings

I'm on a roll with free things today. The Distant Librarian alerted me to ASAP Express from ConVoq, a free "full featured personal online meeting solution." You can get the one-to-one meeting application for free. It includes a nice real-time "Am I available" link that lets people know if you're at your desk or not, supports various IM products, VOIP, video, file transfers, PPT, and screen sharing (!). I haven't tried this out yet, but am interested to hear from folks who have.

(Via LibrarianInBlack.)


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