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Thursday, March 17, 2005

What I'm Reading...

Science Friction by Michael Shermer: Where the Known Meets the Unknown

This book just arrived from the library yesterday and I started on the Introduction today. I came across this book via an excellent interview of the author on Tech Nation with Moira Gunn. .

The book deals with the inherehent flaws in the way that humans observe and understand the world and how science can provide a clearer view. Too often we are deceived by our own, preconceived notions, which prevent us from choosing what is best for ourselves and those around us.

In the past, my wife and I have attended the lectures held by the Skeptics Society at CalTech on a variety of topics. They are always a great way to spend an enlightening evening.You can get more information about the Skeptics Society and Skeptics Magazine at their web site, http://www.skeptic.com/.


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