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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Design your own anti-procrastination plan

We all procrastinate from time to time and the folks a UT Austin seem to know this as well. In an effort to help students stay on track they present this list of procrastination busters.

This list is certainly worth reviewing if you find yourself avoiding a project or task. Give yourself a jumpstart and create some forward momentum.

Now, let's see....wasn't I supposed to be working on something?


Below are several lists of specific, concrete things you can do to confront and change your own tendencies to procrastinate. Choose several suggestions from among the four lists and put them into practice. If these activities work, keep on with them; if not, try different ones. Persist. Keep a record of your activities on the other side of this sheet.

(Via University of Texas at Austin.)


At 9:22 PM, Blogger kyra said...

Hello -- I thought I'd let you know that the link to the "Design Your Own Anti-Procrastination Plan" article is now

I found your blog while Googling "JPL Open House", which I attended today, to get address, etc. so that I can post it as a suggestion for tomorrow on my blog -- brokeinla.com -- "for the financially challenged and the frugal at heart."

You've got some great stuff on here!

Janice (Kyra's mom)


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