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Monday, January 10, 2005

Game: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

I am NOT a game player in anyway, beyond a few hands of solitaire or the Myst/Riven combination of years ago, but, over our Ohio holiday we played a lot of Gamecube at our friends house. One amazing game was The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

This is an amazing game and we ended up playing it much more than watching television. Every time we were sitting around the living room, someone would pick up the controller to "drive" and the rest of use would sit around and kibbutz from the sidelines.

The best thing was that everyone could participate equally, the kids and hte adults. It is a great mix of logic games and a bit of traditional "fighting." While we don't have a game console, and never have had one, I am interested in getting one so we can continue to play Zelda here at home.


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