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Friday, February 27, 2004

Nearly Full Moon Hike

FRI 3/5 6:30pm

Franklin Canyon Ranch

Explore the canyon by moonlight on a moderately strenuous hike. Look and listen for Franklin Canyon wildlife and enjoy a spectacular view of the city from atop the canyon trail. Fun for all ages! 2hrs WODOC

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Career-Op: It's all personal

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

If you work your high-tech magic at the end of a phone line, or deep in the heart of a large corporation, you can easily forget that everything you do is directly important to some other person. Sometimes we hide behind corporate bureaucracy or simple indifference, but the truth is, all high-tech work is personal. All technology is meant to be used by another human being and if you want to be successful in your high-tech career, you must remember this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Beeing: Life, Motherhood and 180,000 Honeybees

Check out my review of this book over at A Gardener's Notebook.

Beeing: Life, Motherhood, and 180,000 Honey Bees

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Important Virus Update

My friend Sam, over at NightsNWeekends.com, informed me of this important update from Symantec, regarding a a new variant of the MyDoom virus.

W32.Mydoom.F@mm - Click for detailed info

The major issue with this new variant is it can delete data files from your hard disk if you are infected.

Please make sure you update your virus definitions as soon as possible and continue the good practice of not opening attachments from unknown sources.

Monday, February 23, 2004

Latest Apple Update

Apple users, its time to run Software Update once again to get the latest updates from Apple. MacDailyNews has more information, as shown below.

Apple releases Security Update 2004-02-23
Apple has released Security Update 2004-02-23 which delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users. This update includes the following components:





Security Update 2004-02-23 is available via Software Update. [MacDailyNews]

Free chapter on Email Annoyances

The Librarian in Black (I love that title) blog points over to this great, free chapter from the book, PC Annoyances, (direct Amazon link) which I featured here a few weeks ago.

E-mail Annoyances Steve Bass has made a chapter about e-mail freakishness from his book, PC Annoyances, available for free download. He explains the fixes for various problems in several different e-mail programs, such as Outlook, Eudora, & Netscape. This is good--very good. Thanks Steve![LibrarianInBlack]

National Forest Free Days

I am NOT a supporter of the USDA Adventure Pass program for our National Forests, so I want to remind you that there is, at least, one day each month when you can visit our National Forests without paying a fee. I hope you will all take advantage of these opportunities to enjoy the wild lands that surround Los Angeles.

You can receive on-going notice of these free days, and other events in the LA area, by subscribing to the WelchEvents mailing list or its associated RSS feed.

From the Angeles National Forest web page...

The Adventure Pass fee will not be required the last Saturday of every month in 2004!

January 31, 2004

February 28, 2004

March 27, 2004

April 24, 2004

May 29, 2004

June 29, 2004

July 31, 2004

August 28, 2004

September 25, 2004

October 30, 2004

November 27, 2004

December 25, 2004

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Broadband Reports points out that Microsoft is offering up a free CD full of Critical Updates for most versions of Windows.

From their web site...

Free Microsoft Critical Update CD

Updates Through October, 2003. Microsoft is taking orders for a free CD containing critical updates and patches through October, 2003 for Windows XP, Me, 2000, 98, and 98 Second Edition. The CD is aimed at users who have dialup connections or other difficulties in downloading file.. [Broadbandreports]


8th Annual Whale Festival

Sunday, March 7 -- 9am—4pm

Point Mugu State Park, Sycamore Cove

Join park naturalists to celebrate the annual return of the gray whale. Whale watching, music, live performances, great food, fun arts and crafts to buy, and more. Info: 805-488-1827

Sponsored by California State Parks and Santa Monica Mountains Natural History Association


African Cultural Heritage Weekend

Saturday, February 28 and Sunday, February 29, 2004 11 AM- 4:00 PM

Travel around the globe for our African Cultural Weekend at the Natural History Museum! We’ll explore wild African Animals and Insects from the deserts of the Sahara to the island of Madagascar, learn how to play African instruments and hear tales from Kenya. Discover the traditional art of mask making, and make your own three-dimensional mask!

Friday, February 20, 2004

Career-Op: Beyond Troubleshooting

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

I would guess that 95% of your work, day in and day out, is spent on problems. This printer won’t print. That program is crashing. IT DOESN’T WORK! While these problems can insure a regular workload for consultants like me, they can also lead us down the road to ruin. At the end of the road lie disgruntled clients, stagnant careers and simple, garden-variety burnout. If you want to keep your high-tech career cruising along, you need to move beyond troubleshooting and start helping your clients do “neat things” with their computers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Webcast Event

Women Working on Mars: Science and Engineering on the Red Planet

February 26, 2004 4:00 pm PST

Get your video players ready, here comes an excellent web cast from the Mars Rover team.

Panelists will include:

Shonte Wright

Mars Exploration Rover Thermal Systems Engineer

Julie Townsend

Mars Exploration Rover Avionics Systems Engineer

Zoe Learner

Mars Exploration Rover Science Team Graduate Student

Elaina McCartney

Mars Exploration Rover Science Team Member

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Out of this world!

Check out these great Mac OS X icons of NASA capsules from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs.

Via MacUpdate

Apple RSS Feeds

MacMegaSite points over to a useful page at Apple.com that collects links to all RSS feeds offered by Apple.

Here is the info directly from MacMegaSite...

RSS Feeds from Apple
Apple has posted a very useful page listing all of their available RSS feeds including Knowledge Base articles & downloads. You can subscribe to any of these feeds in a news reader such as NetNewsWire to have the latest headlines delivered to your desktop. [MacMegasite]

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Meet & Shoot (Pictures)

SAT 2/21 3pm

Stunt Ranch

Bring your camera and join the Santa Monica Mountains Photographic Society and a ranger in exploring the upper Stunt High Trail. Meet at Stunt Ranch Reserve parking, approximately 2 miles from Mulholland Highway on Stunt Rd. 2hrs NPS

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Career-Op: Bars on your Windows

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

It is almost impossible to work in a high-tech career today without being deeply involved with Microsoft Windows. Whether you are a developer, a user or a consultant to other users, there a several things you need to do to keep everything working smoothly. Doing so, and maintaining it regularly, is a sure way to improve you own high-tech life, that of your clients and your own high-tech career. For those of you just starting out, here are a few hints to insure that you and your clients are getting the most from your computer everyday.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

How's Your XP Differ from My XP?

Lockergnome points over to Data Doctors for a great article on the differences between Windows XP Home and Professional, in case you were wondering.

Ken Colburn of Data Doctors answers Pete, who wonders:

Q: If I get a new system for home, what is the difference between XP Home edition and XP Professional? I want to put home movies on DVD.

A: Microsoft did a pretty good job of naming the two versions of XP, but I probably would have opted for Windows XP Home and Windows XP Business, which may have made it a little easier to understand

Adware program hits instant message users

Please be aware of a program (named Osama Found) that is spreading itself via AOL and AOL Instant Messenger. Once installed, this program will send Instant Messages to everyone on your buddy list, asking them to download the same program.

While the company claims that this program is not a virus or Adware, I would recommend you treat it as such. Do not install any suspicious programs or click on links in suspicious instant messages.

See this Wired News story or Infoworld's story for more information.

Latest MS Windows Update

This update closes some nasty bugs discovered in all versions of Windows. If your system does not download the update automatically, visit http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com.

See Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-007 for details.

Sunday, February 08, 2004


Nature Walk

SUN 2/15 10am - Rocky Oaks

A slow-paced walk for all ages. Enjoy seeing wildflowers, oak woodlands and colorful volcanic rock formations. 2hrs TCD


Nature Journaling - Wintertime Glories of Franklin Canyon

SUN 2/15 11am -- Sooky Goldman Nature Ctr

Renew your spirit through nature journaling. Enhance the way you look at the natural world around you. Provide yourself with a record of your observations, thoughts, and feelings. Bring a sketchbook or pad, pencil, pen, and a small folding chair for your comfort. 2hrs WODOC

Saturday, February 07, 2004


A Little Movie Romance

February 14, 2004 -- Saturday at 9:30am

Paramount Ranch

Is it love or an illusion? Discover the history of romance in the movies on a hour-long, easy-paced walk. Step into a ‘South Sea island’ scene with a park ranger.

National Park Service

Friday, February 06, 2004

Career-Op: Gearing Up

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

This year my business is undergoing a few changes. In the past, I have had alternate sources of income, which allowed me to limit the amount of consulting work I do. Now, though, I have a need to think about this work more as a primary source of income. In that light, I am gearing up a series of initiatives to present a more business-like manner to my clients and, hopefully, increase my billable hours by a significant amount. Whether you are just starting out, or looking for ways to revitalize an existing business, these tips should serve you well.

Quicken 2004 for Mac Update

Intuit has released an update for Quicken 2004 for Macintosh. It addresses a number of issues, including:

  • Scheduled Updates: For some Scheduled Updates users, Quicken would intermittently crash on launch. This issue has been resolved.
  • IRR Report: In some cases, the Average Annual Total column was displaying N/A. This issue has been resolved. In some cases, inflated values were displayed for securities that had split. (Also occurred in the IRR graph, Portfolio Value graph, and Asset Allocation graph.) This issue has been resolved.
  • New User Assistant: Previously when a data file was created using the New User Assistant, it was saved in the Quicken Folder. It is now saved to the user's Documents folder.
  • Accounts List: In some cases, editing an account in the Accounts list with the Categories and Transfers list open would cause Quicken to unexpectedly quit. This issue has been resolved.
  • One Step Update: In some cases, Quicken unexpectedly quit if the Download Transactions window was closed before the "Quicken has completed the update" sheet had been dismissed. This issue has been resolved. In some cases, Quicken would unexpectedly quit if the One Step Update window was closed prior to One Step Update completing its download. In some cases, Quicken would unexpectedly quit if the Online Account Updates window was dismissed after completing a One Step Update and accepting downloaded transactions.
  • and much more.

Download available via VersionTracker.com

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Getting started with Google

Google ~Guide is a great introduction for anyone who wants to make the most of Google's search tools. Author, Nancy Blachman takes you through Google step-by-step.

Share this resource with your friends.

[Via LibrarianInBlack]

Monday, February 02, 2004

Apple releases Safari/Java updates

Apple is also getting into the upgrade act today. Here are 2 updates now available via Software Update.

Safari 1.2 improves compatibility with websites and web applications by providing increased support for standards, adds support for personal certificate authentication, and works with Java 1.4.2 to enable websites that rely on LiveConnect for communication between JavaScript and Java applets.

This update also provides improved application stability, full keyboard access for navigating web pages, and the ability to resume interrupted downloads.

In addition to providing support for Sun's Java 1.4.2 APIs, this release includes enhancements to drawing performance and stability for both Java applications and Java applets.

Microsoft releases update to close "phishing" hole

Microsoft is abandoning its "once-a-month" schedule for issuing updates, at least for a little while. Due to a dramatic increase in attempts to trick users in to providing sensitive data (called phishing, by tech workers), MS issued the update detailed here:
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (832894)

.Users should apply this patch as soon as possible. You can force the download and install by visiting http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Cucina Rustica : Simple, Irresistible Recipes in the Rustic Italian Style

I came across this book at the library last week, probably on the New Books shelf, and have been very happy with the recipes I have found within.

Tonight, I made the Sugo Sciue Sciue (Fast Ragu) on page 178 and enjoyed it very much. I have found around 20 other recipes that interest me enough to try them out. Check it out when you are looking for something new to cook.

WelchEvents via RSS

For all of you who are a bit more geeky than average, you can monitor my WelchEvents mailing list, with events around LA, via RSS.

YahooGroups provides RSS feeds for all their groups using a URL like this:


You can subscribe to the mailing list itself by visiting:
