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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Book: All Fisherman are Liars by Linda Greenlaw

I just finished All Fisherman are Liars: True Tales from the Dry Dock Bar by Linda Greenlaw, a wonderful, small book of fishing stories, told by real. commercial fishermen, including herself. Greenlaw has a lovely touch for telling stories full of life, and sometimes, death. While her life as a fisherman seems to have suited her well, she has discovered an entirely new career as a writer.

The author's first book arose out of her personal involvement in the the tragic story that was re-counted in the the book The Perfect Storm. Greenlaw was caught out in the same storm, but lived to tell the tale. The Hungry Ocean, takes that story as a starting point, but goes well beyond into previously unknown territory, especially for a landlubber like me. The Lobster Chronicles, recounts her return to the nominally safer work of "lobstering" and gives her an opportunity to tell more stories about the sea and the lives that surround it.

This book easily qualifies as one of my "One Day Reads". Within a few hours, over lunch, over dinner and before bedtime, I joined the crew at the Dry Dock Bar and followed their stories out to sea. I love reading stories about people and lives I might not otherwise encounter and Greenlaw's books are a perfect example.


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