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Thursday, September 30, 2004

WelchWrite Note: iTunes Install/Upgrade Fails

I have been fighting a nasty problem on a client's machine for the past week. Despite everything we tried, I coul dnot get the iTunes 4.6 update to install. Finally, today, I found a solution and wanted to offer it up here. Hopefully, if anyone else runs acorss this problem, a quick search should bring them here.

Today, I saw a hint to notice if there were any messages in the system Console when I tried to install the update. Sure enough, running the installer and clikcing through to the update section yielded this error:

2004-09-30 09:51:47.796 Installer[1912] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidPackageException' (reason 'Can't open package /Library/Receipts/iTunes4.pkg (there was an error reading the file iTunes4.bom).') that raised during posting of timer with target 10b5120 and selector 'taskCompleted:'}

I moved the listed file to the Desktop, started the install again, and all proceeded as normal. What a relief!

I still had to do a little work rebuilding the users iTunes Library, but everything, including his iPod, seems to be functioning well now.


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