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Thursday, August 12, 2004

CLASS: Intro to Mac OS X

Deborah Shadovitz is holding an Intro to Mac OS X class at USC on Saturday, August 28, 2004.

A seminar for upgraders, new Mac users, switchers, and potential switchers. This class is designed to provide a solid Mac OS X foundation. If you're upgrading from any previous MacOS, you should regain and perhaps surpass your former comfort level. If you're a Windows user you'll leave confident that you can work well in OS X. But while the basics are well covered, my focus is always Mac Efficiency. You'll learn a lot of productivity power tips. Clarity and understanding for new-comers will not be at the cost of upgraders.

Full Information Available Here


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Rannva said...

... and have to pay for it? Strange. I own a Mac for the sole (well, almost but I say that because it sounds more radical) reason that I can try things out without screwing up the whole machine (as I would with a PC). Go to the Mac store and get free advice!

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

I understand. Some people like formal classes, though. To each his/her own.


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