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Monday, July 12, 2004

LA Public Library has Wi-Fi HotSpots!

The LA Public Library is rolling out FREE Wi-Fi Internet Access at its branches. Three are currently online, including my "base of operations" in Sherman Oaks. Others hotspots include Los Feliz, and North Hollywood Branches, as well as at the Central Library downtown.

As the program expands, this could give you a hotspot almost everywhere in the city. No need to pay for T-Mobile access at Starbucks or Borders anymore. Just head towards your local library branch.

I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but theoretically, you should be able to use the network from the parking lot or other places outside of the library. This could work really well for me when I am between clients and need to check or send some email. If the connection is strong enough, I wouldn't even have to leave my car. You should also be able to use the connection, even when the library is closed.

Most laptops with wireless cards should already be configured to access the library's wireless, but I can help you out via email, if you have any questions.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - just posting annonymously because I don't have an account...

Anyway -- THANKS for the info. on the LAPL hotspots - that's SO COOL! I'm in Studio City and sometimes just need a change of scenery from my home office - this will be a great alternative.

Thanks also for the Whitney farms info.-- My little 2.5 year old loves "helping" with my gardening projects and should get a big kick out of having her own little pot, seeds, etc.

I'm really glad that I stumbled across your site.


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