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Friday, May 30, 2003

Career Column

Career-Op: Here it comes again

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

Despite the fact that your job may seem like a chaotic jumble of unforeseeable events, there are certain recurring ones that directly impact your ability to do your job. Managing these events can be a way to exercise some control over your day-to-day work, opening holes of time in which to deal with the unforeseen problems that always arise. Take some time, today, to look into the near future and start planning for some of your recurring events today.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

More books...

Below are links to the books offered up as "The Ten Must-Read Books for Lovecats" from the book, Love is the Killer App. I have only read one of these, so it looks like my reading list is set to expand even further.

I know it can sometimes feel like you have no time to read, but I try to make time for it whenever I can. I hate to wait in line, so I always have something with me to pass the time. Riding in the car, sitting at the playground with Joe, all of these are an opportunity to take your thinking somewhere new.

The Experience Economy

Corporate Religion

The Innovator's Dilemma

What the CEO Wants You to Know

Simplicity: The New Competitive Advantage

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can...

The Circle of Innovation

The Art of Happiness


Leading the Revolution

Monday, May 26, 2003

What I'm Reading...


Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends
by Tim Sanders

I am just finishing up this book and wanted to share it with all of you. I tend to pick up business books by the hand-full, just to keep abreast of current thinking and hoping I can take away 1 or 2 good ideas.

"Love" is a small book and an easy read. I was thrown off early on, though, by the author's decision to call people like himself "lovecats." It seemed such a silly word, but whatever gets the job done, I guess. Getting over this hurdle I found a couple of great ideas in the book.

In the sectioned entitled "Knowledge", Sanders professes his love for books, why he thinks they are so important and his techniques for getting the most out of them. While his techniques are a little extreme for me right now, they can be very useful and I might still adopt some of them.

In the "Network" he talks about how to make the best use of your network to not only help yourself, but also, and more importantly, help those around you. Sanders firmly believe that you do the most for your career and life by constantly thinking about how you can connect people in your network to one another. Secondly, he pointedly says to NOT do it out of some attempt to garner "Finder's Fees" or other benefits. Your reputation grows with every connection you make and it is this, says Sanders that is the true basis of your net worth.

Saturday, May 24, 2003

Career Column

Career-Op: Back to School

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

I get many questions from readers regarding how they should continue their education as a way to begin or further their high-tech careers. Most often their questions are about which technical school or technical training to pursue and where. It may seem counterintuitive, but my usual recommendation doesnâ??t involve further technical training, but, rather, the pursuit of traditional educational outlets such as bachelor, master and Ph.D programs.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

What I'm Reading...


Simplify Your Work Life

Monday, May 19, 2003


New Worm/Virus making the rounds

Have you noticed a few emails from support@microsoft.com in your Inbox today? If so, you might be seeing the latest worm/virus propogating across the Internet. Known as W32/Palyh and W32.HLLW.Mankx@mm, this worm, like others, attempts to infect your machine using an atttached file. If it succeeds, it looks for additional email addresses where it can send itself.

As always, update your anti-virus programs as soon as possible. Also, avoid any email that contains an attachment whose name ends in .PIF, .EXE, or .SCR.

If you have any further questions, drop me at line at douglas@welchwrite.com.

Friday, May 16, 2003

Career Column

Career-Op: Scambuster

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

As with life in general, high-tech life is fraught with scams and scammers. These people are always on the prowl for people they can confuse and con. Along with all your other responsibilities as a high-tech worker, you should be aware of these scams and do everything you can to protect your clients. It can only take an unwary moment or a bit of confusion to allow their computer to be compromised in ways large and small. You owe it to yourself and your clients to help and educate them long before they have to face the consequences of a scam.

Thursday, May 15, 2003


Safari Updated--Security Patch

I like Apple's Safari browser, but, like all software, it pays to keep things up-to-date.

Here is the info from MacMerc.com...

If you use Safari, run software update. There is an update that fixes a security hole in SSL (what you use when you buy something online). More information on the problem is documented here.



17th Annual Bug Fair

Saturday, May 31 & Sunday, June 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you aren't too squeamish you might consider heading out to this event.
Learn everything you always wanted to know (or not) about insects.

From the museum web site...

At North America's largest Bug Fair (formerly the Insect Fair) you'll
find out all about the world of insects and their arthropod relatives. Hold
a live scorpion, start your own collection of butterflies, or get some great
cooking tips from Insect Chef David George Gordon.

Well over 50 vendors will be on hand with books, entomological equipment
and supplies, artwork, toys and clothing items. Private collections will be
for sale, along with live bugs and spiders, too!

The Los Angeles Urban Spider Survey that started last year at the Bug Fair
continues during the fair this year. Safely collect a spider and bring it

The Bug Fair is included with Museum admission. Prices are $8 for adults,
$2 for children 5 - 12 and $5.50 for seniors and students. Children under 5
are free.

Sunday, May 11, 2003


Windows Update Email Hoax/Hack

WARNING - I received the email below today and wanted to let everyone know that it is suspicious in nature. The URL listed is NOT a valid Microsoft URL and it re-directs your computer to some site that attempts to load a PERL program. This method is usually used to install software or infect your system with a virus.

I do not want to risk damage to my Windows computer, so I cannot tell what further damage or infection is might be attempting. I will continue researching the issue and report my findings here.

If you receive this email, DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT VISIT THE WEBSITE LISTED. The valid URL (address) for Microsoft's Windows Update is http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com.

Here is the text of the original email I received...







It appears that this email is directing you to a search engine web site which will attempt to install a browser toolbar (called BrowserAid), reset your home page and do a variety of other things to your computer. You can find detailed info at DoxDesk.com. This is a blatant hijacking of someone's computer and presents a significant security risk, especially for less experienced computer users.

What I'm Reading...


Head First: 10 Ways to Tap into Your Natural Genius


Handbook Of Knots


Mary Colter: Architect of the Southwest

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Career Column

Career-Op: Migration

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

One high-tech career challenge you will face almost daily is the migration of resources; moving new computers in and old computers around your company or client sites. In order to make the best use of the technology available, you will find that you are constantly reconfiguring old computers for new users and new uses. There are a few rules that can assist you in getting the most from technology while still keeping your productivity, and that of your users, as high as possible.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Another Apple OS X Update - 10.2.6

There is another update for OS X available via the Software Update program. At least this time the update is fairly small, weighing in at 6.1 MB.

From the Apple web site...

The 10.2.6 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications, services and technologies: Address Book, Graphics, Printing, OpenGL, and PC Card and USB hub device compatibility.

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n25448

Monday, May 05, 2003

Fullerton Train Festval Re-Cap

What a day it was! We figured the best way to get to a train festival was on the train, so we ordered our tickets online and awaited the big day. Of course, the weather report was calling for a big winter storm, even though it was already May. Oh well, being former Ohioians we usually don't let the rain stop us from traveling so we packed up the rain coats and boots and headed out.

As fate would have it, a major line of showers can through right as we were about to depart, but by the time we packed up and drove the 10 minutes to the station, the storm was already headed east and the sun was streaming through white puffy clouds.

The train was right on time and only paused a moment in Van Nuys before heading out again. We hadn't even found our seats yet before the wheels started to turn. Settling into a nice spot with 4 facing seats we took in the sights along the rails, including several cars stalled in the midst of 5-6 foot deep water from the storm.

As we approached Burbank Airport we paced a large Southwest jet as it made its landing. Soon we had arrived in Union Station downtown for a short wait as they loaded transferring passengers and their baggage. Joe and I had enough time to walk down the concourse, grab a snack at the news stand and a photo of the lobby before heading back to the train.

There were other train people aboard as we headed towards Fullerton and I enjoyed eavesdropping on their descriptions of all the rail yards, maintenance stations we passed along the way.

With no stops between downtown and Fullerton, the trip seemed too quick. We had arrived before we even had our belongings gathered, but managed to get off the train before it pulled out, heading for San Diego. As we rode the train, a big line of storms had passed over Fullerton, soaking the festival, but by the time we arrived the sky was bright blue.

The festival was set up right in the station parking lot, so we only had to walk a few steps to immerse ourselves in it. Nonna Mary, Rosanne's mother met us there as she only lives a few miles away in Placentia. Our friend, Lorilyn was there as well, exhibiting with the Southern California Lego Train Club.

There were 2 huge tents full of model trains of every shape, scale and design. Old time Lionel layouts held court in one, while HO, N, Lego Trains and other were spread throughout the other. I have never seen so many model trains in one location before. Several companies had large G-scale garden railroad layouts set up in the parking lot. One even had 4 trains set up so that kids could run them around their small ovals.

A real diesel engine was available for a walk-through, along with a restored caboose and World War II era coach car. Another benefit of holding the festival at a train station was the plethora of real trains passing north and south. We saw several long freights, the Pacific Surfliners that we had taken down and although Metrolink doesn't have weekend service to Fullerton, they had a train parked so people could check it out.

Food and entertainment rounded out the day. The Spaghetti Factory, where we had dinner, is located adjacent to the train station and we also found a nice little coffeehouse, The Hub Cafe, located just across the parking lot. We retreated there to take a little rest and rejuvenate with a cafe latte before walking back to look at more trains.

At about 5:30p we headed back to the station, checked that the train was on-time and then had some great conversations with other riders also headed northbound. By 745 we were back in Van Nuys, tired but very happy with our busy day.

Click the photos for a large photo gallery of our day!


California Historical Society

History is a hobby of mine, so this web site caught my attention immediately. The only unfortunate thing is the time I will lose wandering around it when I should be doing other things. (SMILE). Online exhibitions include Quizzical Eye: The Photography of Rondal Partridge, California History Online and Big Orange: California Citrus Label Art.

Here is the orignal info from Metafilter.com...

California Historical Society
The California Historical Society is a fine resource, from its extensive collections, online exhibitions, to its citrus label highlights, and more. [Flash] [MetaFilter]

Friday, May 02, 2003

Career Column

Career-Op: On the web

by Douglas E. Welch, ComputorEdge Magazine

If you have been reading this column for a while, you may have visited my web site on occasion. While my site is far from ideal, it does provide me a space to share my past columns as well as other information about my writing, my work and my life. The web site certainly is not as busy as most commercial web sites, but I do receive visitors from all over the world; people who might otherwise have never heard of me or my writing. This, though, is only one reason why I would recommend that you have your own web site, no matter how small. You never know who might stumble across your "front door"? and what effect they might have on your high-tech career.