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Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Career-Op Updates

This evening I updated several interesting pages related to my weekly Career Opportunities column. You can check out the updates using the links below.


I went back through al my columns from 1997-2001 and pulled out those that fit 2 particular themes. I then set up one page for each which you could use as a mini-seminar, reading through everything I had written regarding a particular topic. The links are in chronological order, so the new material is at the bottom of the listing.

Mini-seminar on Getting Started in a High-Tech Career

Mini-Seminar on Professional Development in Your HIgh-Tech Career

I will be processing my 2002 and 2003 columns into these series over the next couple of months.

Career-Op Suggested Reading

I have also updated this page, which contains links to books that I have found interesting whether they are about your career, your life or your well-being.

As I come across new books, they will appear on the Career-Op page, here in my blog, My Word, and on my Douglas Recommends... page.


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