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Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Computers/Windows XP

Latest Windows XP Patch Slows Down Computer To A Crawl

I am usually religious about telling my clients to install Windows Updates as they arrive, but it seems there might be a problem for some people running Windows XP and the latest update from Microsoft. You might want to wait for a few days before installing the update, or if you have installed it, and are experiencing a slow down of your system, the update can be removed. Drop me a line if you think you might be experiencing this problem.

Here is the original note from LockerGnome...

"Microsoft's latest security patch can cause computers running Windows XP to slow down to a crawl, affected users say.

Windows XP can take up to ten seconds to start an application after installation of the patch released last Wednesday with security bulletin MS03-013, say some users. The complaint is echoed in dozens of postings on several online discussion boards. Removing the patch brings system speed back to normal, according to these users." [Lockergnome Bytes]


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