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Wednesday, April 23, 2003


SARS Warning Virus

File this under "yet another annoying virus." Virus writers and sender area always quick to exploit current events in an effort to get you to open emails and run malicious attachments.

Remember to be dubious of email cliams from people you do not know, (and even those you know).

Lockergnome gave the following "heads-up" today...

New Outlook E-mail Worm Exploits Anxiety Over SARS
"In the latest example of computer virus writers capitalizing on current events, a new e-mail worm uses fears about SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) to entice users into opening a file attachment, infecting host machines and helping spread the virus to other machines on the Internet." --- Always update your anti-virus software [Lockergnome Bytes]


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