Adventure Pass Free Days
As you probably know, access to most National Forest areas now requires an adventure pass in order to park. You can drive through, stop at visitor's centers and ranger stations for free, but parking at trail heads and picnic areas requires a pass. A daily pass is $5 or you can pay $30 for an entire year.
I have many issues related to the requirement of these passes, and their institution was one reason for ending an 8 year run as a volunteer for the Forest service. That said, it is nice to see that the USFS is offering 12 "Free Days" in 2003, when a pass is not required to enjoy the forests. I urge you to take the opportunity to explore the amazing public lands throughout the Los Angeles area.
From the Angeles National Forest web site...
The Adventure Pass fee will not be required the last Saturday of every month in 2003!
April 26, 2003
May 31, 2003
June 28, 2003
July 26, 2003
August 30, 2003
September 27, 2003
October 25, 2003
November 29, 2003
December 27, 2003
Experience the many improved facilities and services made possible by the Adventure Pass program.
A validated daily Adventure Pass for any of the above dates may be exchanged for a new Pass at any Forest Service office.
Campground and concessionaire fees still apply.
Angeles National Forest
(626) 574-5200 - Information Desk
(626) 574-1613 - Main Switchboard
FAX - (626) 574-5233
TDD - (626) 447-8992
Cleveland National Forest
(858) 673-6180
San Bernardino National Forest
(909) 383-5588
Los Padres National Forest
(805) 968-6640
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