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Tuesday, March 04, 2003


With RFID,
TAG!  You're It!

by: Mitch Krayton

My friend, Mitch, has a interesting article on radio frequency identification tags that are being included in more and more products these days.

From the article...

It's been a quarter of a century, but radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, which are inexpensive, portable objects, are making their way into fresh interactive kiosks projects.

What is RFID?

Beginning in the 1980's, tags with an antenna were used for livestock identification and automated vehicle identification. Better than bar code, tags can track moving objects in groups using radio signals. RFID allows for non-contact reading and writing of tags in environments too severe for typical bar code labels. RFID's radio signals can penetrate snow, fog, ice, paint, ink and dirt where optical technologies can't possibly work.


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