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Saturday, February 01, 2003


Digital Art Gallery Opening - Palm Springs Area

It seems I know more and more people who regularly visit the Palm Springs area, so I thought I would pass on the following press release.

My sister, Denise, is opening a new art gallery in Palm Desert, dedicated to digitally created art.

The grand opening is this coming Friday. If you happen to be in the area, please stop by!

From the press release...


Digital Art is a subject foreign to most Americans; it requires explanation. Computerworks Art Gallery will explain the secrets and techniques of digital art through Live Demonstrations when they open the only Digital Art Gallery in the Coachella Valley Friday, February 7th from 6-9pm.

To most digital art presents itself as consumer merchandise-like posters. Fine digital art is different; it derives itself from the same aesthetic impulses that produce fine paintings, sculpture and architecture. There is no basic difference between fine art and fine digital art, only the tools used.

Profound appreciation of any art work requires time, thought and a developed taste. The aim of the Computerworks Art Gallery is to assist with that cultivation by offering a wide variety of magnificent images throughout the world and by examining the explicit and implicit dimensions of digitally created pieces through Live Gallery Demonstrations at their Grand Opening Friday, February 7th from 6-9pm. Food and Drinks will be served. The Gallery is located at 41-701 Corporate Way Suite #6 in Palm Desert next to The Art Place.

Come be the first to witness this revolutionary event.


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