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Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Book Recommendation

Getting things done: The art of stress-free productivity

by David Allen

While I realize that no one book is going to solve any particular
problem I am always on the lookout for books from which I can
take away at least one lesson.

I recently checked this book out from my local library and I have
been very impressed with how much it has helped. I am a pretty
well organized person and don't let a lot of things slip through
the cracks but I seem to suffer from "analysis paralysis" when
faced with too many projects and too many steps to accomplish
these projects. I just kind of sit and stew, unable to figure
out what to do next. This book has helped me with that significantly
by helping me identify the "Next Action" in any particular project,
move towards completing that and then move onto the next action.

Allen also breaks down your work into discrete areas so that you
can accomplish tasks in those odd moments between meetings and
phone calls, instead of wondering what to do next. Check out this
book when you get a chance. I think there is more than one good
lesson that can be taken away


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