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Monday, August 05, 2002

What I'm reading...

Wooden Boats: In Pursuit of the Perfect Craft at an American Boatyard

I was completely finished with this book before I realized that the author also wrote another one of my favorites, The Making of a Chef: Mastering Heat at the Culinary Institute of America. Ruhlman has the ability to get deeply inside the stories he is covering, becoming part of the story but yet remaining apart. Wooden Boats is the story of a nearly extinct art form and one company that is keeping it alive. This book took me less than 2 days to read and kept me fascinated the entire time. Not only do I want to go to Martha's Vineyard to check out the boatyard, now I want to get out on the water myself.

The Naked Chef

Air Ferrets Aloft (Ferret Chronicles #2)

I recently discovered this series of books by Richard Bach, author of Johnathan LIvingston Seagul and Illusions, two favorites of both Rosanne and I. These books capture Bach's love of flying and maintain the depth of his previous work in a young adult format. See also Rescue Ferrets at Sea (Ferret Chronicles...

Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People

I am always interested in creativity books, so this one jumped out at me. It is more technical than similar books and a little more difficult to read.

Sketching With a Pencil: For Those Who Are Just Beginning

Meetings With Remarkable Trees

The author visits some of the most ancient trees in Britain, while recounting their history. An amazing combination of history and nature writing. the photos are absolutely gorgeous.

Most Beautiful House in the World

Witold Rybczynski, an architect, recounts the building of house, from initial idea, through design, completion and remodeling. Another excellent telling of oen person's working methods along with the historical background of architecture.


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