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Sunday, August 11, 2002


Why is software so bad (and how to fix it)

by Charles C. Mann

Technology Review, July/August 2002

(Online access includes only the introduction for non-subscribers)

This article provides some interesting insight into software flaws and ways in which they might be prevented. I have often written about the necessity for better programming because of technology's increasing intimacy in our lives. More and more, technology manages important aspects of our lives. Software flaws could be (and have already been) life threatening.

One of the article's conclusions seems to be that software companies need to clean up their act or they face massive litigation or governmental regulation. Check out a print copy at your local library or bookstore.

I picked up a copy of Technology Review in an on-going effort to buy magazines I have never read before. Next time you go to the news stand, pick up 3 titles that interest you, but you have never read. I have been pleasantly surprised with all my recent finds. It is a great way to expand your horizons and expose yourself to new viewpoints and information. -- Douglas


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