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Friday, July 05, 2002

The Friday Five

1. Where are you right now?

As you might imagine, I am sitting at my computer. I am proud to say, though, that I didn't touch a computer for the last 2 days since we we visiting Idyllwild, our favorite place inthe mountains, over the holiday. We met friends up there for their first visit and took in the 4th of July Parade. Much fun was had by all.

2. What have you lost recently?

The only thing I feel I have lost recently is time. There never appears to be enough of it to do everything you want to do. I work really hard at not losing other things, as it aggravates me so much when I do.

3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?

I can't even imagine what my first CD was! Needless to say that while other people might be agast at my choices in music I don't feel emabarassed about them.

4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?

This is an easy one. I love fountain pens. I have several, but none are the horribly expensive kind. I buy them to use, not look at. That said, I haven't used them in a while since I have been writing almost exlusively on the computer lately. Hmmm....maybe I should take them out today? (SMILE)

5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

I love the Stracciatella gelato at our neighborhood gelato shop. For the unintiated, gelato is Italian ice cream and bears little relationship to American ice cream. This is not a slam, they just come from different philosophies of ice cream making. Stracciatella is basically a vanilla gelato into which you stir ribbons of chocalate. The chocalate solidifies and leaves these wonderful slivers throughout the gelato. Yummy!

If you are in the LA area, you can stop by Aromi Cafe, in Sherman Oaks, 14531 Van Nuys Blvd. 818-905-5542. Alfredo will be happy to give you a sample of real Italian gelato. He also serves up great panini (italian sandwichs), salads. and espresso. A little touch of Italy in LA.


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