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Saturday, July 20, 2002


Another America Online (AOL) OS X Beta

Yet another Beta (YAB) of America Online. It looks as if they are getting a lot of bugs out.

From the site...

New to build 14D

* The WWW Preferences have an improved look and new functionality

* The AOL for Mac OS X software no longer places an alias on the desktop

* The AOL for Mac OS X installer will open the Applications folder automatically after launching software for the first time (similar to AOL 5.0 behavior in Classic)

Fixed Issues for AOL for Mac OS X build 14D

* Long HTML e-mails should now show the entire text

* Access numbers no longer disappear when highlighted in the AOL Setup

* The Mail Center icon on the Welcome Screen now shows the correct state of the Online Mailbox

* The Local information on the Welcome Screen should now appear properly

* Embedded images sent from Beta software can now be seen by Internet e-mail addresses

* Empty Cache Now button now works

* Find in Top Window now enabled for browser windows


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