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Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Getty Family Festival

June 1, 2002, 10a-6p

We have attended a Getty Family Festival in past and it is quite fun. There is entertainment, special events and many craft tables for the little ones to create their masterpieces. This one sounds especially interesting due to its railroad theme.

From the Getty Calendar...

All Aboard! Join the fun on Saturday, June 1 as the Getty's popular Family
Festival hops the Railroad Vision train. Inspired by the Museum's current
exhibition, this month's festival celebrates the rails through song, stories
and hands-on art activities.

Hear American railroad songs as the band Hollow Log performs its spicy blend
of acoustic hillbilly energy seasoned with Cajun, Gypsy and Celtic
traditional music. Listen to tales of courage along the Underground Railroad
with award-winning storyteller Diane Ferlatte.

After browsing through the model railroad train demonstrations, celebrate
the culture of other lands with Indian music and dance group Rangoli, native
American Elk Whistle Ensemble, and Brazilian music and dance company Viver
Brazil. The Family Festival runs from 10 am - 6pm in the Museum Courtyard.


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