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Friday, April 26, 2002

The Gigs Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Playing Professionally

While it might seem an odd choice to recommend for high-tech careerists,
"The Gigs Handbook" contains some excellent advice for anyone
acting as an independent contractor, both in the music industry
or high-tech.

As both an amateur musician and high-tech worker, this book works
on all levels. I have learned a lot about how to arrange bookings
and set up my repertoire, but I also see many parallels between
life as a gigging musician and working as an independent high-tech
contractor. The rules about building your business, how to follow-up
and how to use contracts will benefit everyone.

Black uses 4 different prototype musicians so that she can offer
suggestions depending on your current level of skills and what
goals you are trying to accomplish. One musician is just beginning
their music career while others are more established. Black then
works through some of the more common problems and how to avoid
them, or, at least, reduce their impact.


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