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Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Apple Mac OS X 10.1.4 is available

This is the latest, greatest update for Mac OS X. Upgrades/fixes include:

From Versiontracker.com...

* Disc Recording Devices:
* Updated and new support for Fast 10 SCSI drives, including the Pioneer 201 drive.
* Expanded support for SmartDisk, EZQuest, and LaCie disc recording devices.
* Networking Improvements:
* Dial-up connections over PPP are more reliable and system responsiveness has been improved
* Significant improvement to file searching on local and remote volumes
* Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) services can be browsed on networks with 3Com routers
* Security Update:
* BSD-based TCP/IP connections now check and block broadcast or multicast IP destination addresses

The upgrade is available via Software Update.

Via VersionTracker.com


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