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Sunday, March 31, 2002

Palm Desktop 4.0 for OS X Not ready for Primetime

By all accounts Palm Desktop for OS X is not yet ready for primetime. I have done one installation, upgrading a previous BETA Handspring user to the new verison, with no ill effects (as far as I know), but the link above references several problems with the new software.

Handspring, maker of the Visor and Treo, has listed the following advisory, although it is buried pretty deep within the support pages.

"The new release from Palm: don't use it
Palm, Inc. recently released Palm Desktop 4.0 for Macintosh, which synchronizes under Macintosh OS X. This software has not yet passed the tests for use with Handspring products, and therefore Handspring does not support Palm's version of the software. When the Handspring-compatible version of Palm Desktop 4.0 for Macintosh is ready, we will make it available on our downloads page.

So which Palm Desktop version do I use?
Please continue to use the approved and supported Palm Desktop 2.6.1with Handspring handhelds until we release the Handspring version of the new Palm Desktop software.

Even after the various problems are solved you will still need to wait for each conduit manufacturer, i.e. Landware PocketQuicken, PowerOnSoftware's Now Up-to-date/Contact (the one I am specifically waiting for), Entourage for Macintosh, etc., to update their conduits to work with the new software.

It looks like we still have a long wait before Palm OS and OS X get back on speaking terms.


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