A Year in the Yarden twittered info on this series of classes earlier this evening. There are some interesting classes listed, great for any garden that might want to learn a bit more about a wide variety of garden topics.

Online classes start March 29, 2011

Register today!


Healthy Garden Training Series

The USDA People’s Garden Initiative and Cooperative Extension Service bring you this series of training sessions on a wide variety of horticultural and garden related topics. There is no charge for registration and all sessions are open to the public.

The Cooperative Extension System is the nation’s largest and oldest network of universities. Visit www.extension.org for a sample the type of extension education going on across the country. Our presenters also provide longer format training for Extension Master Gardener Programs and develop print and electronic educational material and books on a wide range of consumer horticultural topics.

The USDA People’s Garden Initiative promotes growing healthy food, people and communities. It encourages USDA employees and communities to plant gardens because we believe the simple act of planting a garden can make real and lasting change to improve food access and healthy lifestyles.

2 thoughts on “Event: Free Online garden classes – Healthy Garden Training Series”

  1. i registered for the above classes but have not received a response or confirmation. Any suggestions?

    1. Being the tech-geek I am, I noticed they are using a Google Form to gather the class data and not an automated system so there probably isn’t an automatica notice of your registration. I assume they will send us an email notice before the first class.

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