Historical Seed Catalogs – 115 in a series – Lippincott Flower Seeds: 1909 Greeting

Historical Seed Catalogs - 115 in a series - Lippincott Flower Seeds: 1909 Greeting

Historical Seed Catalogs - 115 in a series - Lippincott Flower Seeds: 1909 Greeting

Historical Seed Catalogs - 115 in a series - Lippincott Flower Seeds: 1909 Greeting

Historical Seed Catalogs - 115 in a series - Lippincott Flower Seeds: 1909 Greeting

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January 1st, 1909 SEEDS OF INTELLIGENCE.

Not intelligent seeds — I will not claim that, though some of my patrons might be willing to agree that Lippincott seeds “grow with intelligence”, so many are the compli- ments received every year, particularly as to the beauty and purity of every variety. But, I do claim that Lippincott seeds are the PRODUCT of intelligence, from the growing of them, to the opening and the filling of the order.

I have built up my large business upon a reputation for quality, and it keeps growing, because each year this quality is not only maintained, but improved, by improvement of favorite varieties and the addition of new ones. The old favorites are kept pure in strain, improvements being in the line of clear color, increased size and beauty of plant and flower, and in profusion of bloom. New varieties are carefully described and may be relied upon for exquisite beauty and novelty. How can you know when you are getting the choice seeds and when the cheap? Not by the looks, for not even an expert can absolutely judge the quality of seed from looks.

There is one way, though, that is absolutely safe — one way that will enable you to know you are planting the best seed obtainable. That is, to get your seed from me. I will not send out anything but the best. I might make more money if I did, but we — my mother, my sister and I- — are engaged in this business for pleasure as well as profit, and we enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that in every packet of seed we send out, we are inclosing just so many grains of pleasure for somebody else — grains of pleasure which shall grow into luxuriant plants of satisfaction.

My own mother opens every order received and her keen interest in your every word is reflected in every department where, with intelligence and dispatch, your orders are filled. I want our patrons to know us, and to feel that we are working, with them, to prove that Americans understand the importance of beautifying home and country and that they have the artistic talent to realize their ideals.

But seeds which disappoint are discouraging — put back your efforts a whole year. Let us help you — with reliable seed, and with our suggestions if you wish them. And may I ask you, should you receive more than one copy of the little catalogue, to pass it on to another flower lover? We want to help all, just as badly as we want all to help us.

Thanking you for your past good orders, and hoping to serve you in the future, I am yours, for intelligent flower gardens,

CARRIE H. LIPPINCOTT, Minneapolis, Minn.

Publication date 1909
Topics Seeds CatalogsNurseries (Horticulture) CatalogsFlowers Seeds CatalogsVegetables Seeds Catalogs
Publisher Minneapolis, Minn. : Miss C.H. Lippincott
Collection usda-nurseryandseedcatalogusdanationalagriculturallibraryfedlinkamericanabiodiversity
Digitizing sponsor U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Contributor U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Language English
Volume 1909

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