Historical Seed Catalogs: Wood’s seeds Catalog (1919) – 47 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Wood's seeds Catalog (1919) - 47 in a series Historical Seed Catalogs: Wood's seeds Catalog (1919) - 47 in a series

Historical Seed Catalogs: Wood's seeds Catalog (1919) - 47 in a seriesHistorical Seed Catalogs: Wood's seeds Catalog (1919) - 47 in a series

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THE YEAR 1919 celebrates the Fortieth Anniversary of the founding of the business of T. W. WOOD & SONS. Started in 1879 by Mr. T. W. Wood, in a very modest way, at the corner of Sixth and Marshall Streets, the business has gradually grown in volume and extent of territory covered each successive year, until today it ranks as one of the largest seed businesses in this country. Mr. T. W. Wood continued in the business up to the time of his death, in 1905.

Associated with their father from their early boyhood days were Mr. Henry W. Wood and Mr. William P. Wood, who still continue in active management of the business. In 1 892 Mr. Thomas Whittet was admitted to an interest in the firm, and has the active management of the Garden Seed Department. In later years Mr. Robert W. Wood and Mr. Gordon F. Wood, sons of Mr. Henry W. Wood, were admitted to an interest, and occupy important positions.

In addition to the members of the firm, we have a large number of employees who have been with us for a period of over twenty years, and whose valued help and experience have had no little part in the building up and the efficiency of our business.

This record of forty years’ continuous management gives a knowledge and experience in the seed business that has few parallels in this country.

Our general offices, main store and mail-order department and one of our shipping departments are located at Nos. 11, 13, 15 and 17 South Fourteenth Street. We also have branch retail stores at each of the markets, corner Sixth and Marshall and 1 707 East Franklin Street. In addition to this we occupy three other warehouses for storage and for our modern and up-to-date seed cleaning and elevator machinery. This, together with our Kenbrook and Williamson Seed Farms, gives us an equipment for the handling of our business that is not surpassed by any other seed house in this country.

Assuring our customers that we shall always endeavor to merit their continued and increased patronage, and with best wishes for the New Year, we remain,

Yours very truly,


Richmond, Va., January 1, 1919.

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