has a host of old gardening books (from mid-19th to mid-20th Century) available in many formats and on a host of topics. I happened across a few in my Pinterest feed and gone completely down the rabbit hole in this treasure trove of information. Sure some ideas might be out of 

Historical Garden Books: The Farm and Garden (Newsletter) Volume IV (1884) – 26 in a Series

Another amazing collection garden newsletters collected in one volume for the entire year 1884. Lots of articles from around the US, questions from readers and answers from the staff of the newsletter. — Douglas

Download in Text, PDF, Single Page JPG, TORRENT from

F. L. B., San Francisco, Cal.: 1. Does it in any way injure eggs, i. e., as far as hatching them is concerned, to be transported by rail to any distance whatever? 2. Which is the best food for young chicks ; soft food like corn meal and soaked bread, etc., or hard food, as fine cracked corn and cracked wheat? Answer. 1. If eggs are jarred or shaken with any violence so as to break or loosen the yolk, they will not hatch. Otherwise, rail transportation (Does not injure the hatchling of the eggs. 2. We have found opinion widely differing on the subject. Our belief is that if the leavings of soft food are cleared up, and not allowed to ferment, it is the best. It is liable to produce disease when spoiled by being left in the rain and on the ground.

More information on this book:

Publisher Philadelphia : Child Bros. & Co.
Contributor New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
Language English
Volume 4

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** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out!
† Available from the LA Public Library