This post from, How To Trash Your Tree reminded me that I hadn’t made plans to gather up Christmas Trees this year. Here in LA we usually end up with dozens of Christmas trees simply thrown out on lawns and dumped in empty lots. Despite info like this, a lot of people still take the easy way out.
In past years, I had thought about driving around the neighborhood and gathering up any tree we might see. While we now have a big chipper/shredder, but we no longer have a pickup truck. Perhaps I will talk with our closest neighbors and friends and let them know they can drop off their tree here instead of taking the time to chop it up and put it in their green garden bin.
I have been looking to create a large amount of mulch in order to replace the pea gravel on our garden paths. The gravel is difficult to keep in place and makes it difficult to clean up the leaf litter from all our mature trees. It also makes it troublesome to shred those leaves as there is always the danger of gravel among the leaves that will dull the blades.
Make use of your Christmas Tree this year, or take it where someone else can put it to use.