There is a long forgotten secret of the business world,
but it also applies to volunteer work and life in general. While we
might encounter it on occasion, for the most part, this secret has been
abandoned like the concept of wearing spats or holding doors for women.
In an effort to improve your lives and your careers, I am going to re-introduce
you to the secret. Even in today's world, there are some magic words
that can smooth all waters, inspire those around you to great heights
and even convince people that they have a purpose in the world. What
words could possibly hold such power? Thank you.
That's right. A simple thank you can do wonders for every aspect of
your life, whether you are giving or receiving. In today's hyper-accelerated
world, though, the quaint niceties that served our parents so well have
fallen into disuse. Now requests have become orders and we begin to
assume that no thank yous are needed. Doesn't that person work for you,
after all. They are only doing their job. Why should you thank them?
As you will find, there are a host of reasons.
The most important part of job satisfaction often has little to do with
the money we are paid or the perks we receive. While people may tolerate
a good paying job with little satisfaction, they will jump ship whenever
something better comes along. What they are really seeking is appreciation.
An almost indefinable sense that their work is important and that they
are contributing to some larger cause.
Offering a thank you to those around you, and receiving them yourself,
can mean the difference between a great career and no career at all.
If, as a worker, you fail to receive honest appreciation for a job well
done, you will quickly become disenchanted with any job, not matter
how high the pay. There is a void that money cannot fill and trying
to do so only leads to larger problems.
If, as a manager, you fail to give honest appreciation for the work
of those around you, you will find your career stunted, your initiatives
stalled and your projects slowed. You rely on others to bring your ideas
to fruition and meet, if not exceed, your goals. If you do not appreciate
the work of others then you will find no loyalty from your employees,
no desire to go beyond the basic requirements of the job and general
dissatisfaction on both sides of the relationship.
An example
Last weekend I spent both Saturday and Sunday acting as a sort of host
for the LA Podcasters during an arts event. I was meeting and greeting
visitors, explaining podcasting and managing the day's schedule of live
recordings. While I was doing this to promote my own podcasts, as well
as those of the other members, it was the numerous thank yous I received
that kept me going through the long days. I would have still had some
satisfaction of a job well done, even if no one said thank you, but
it is amazing how much effect those two small words can have. It let
me know that I was spending my time in a useful and productive way and
that those around me took notice of that.
Of course, there is no need to limit this sense of appreciation to just
your co-workers. If someone does a good job for you -- the waiter at
the restaurant, the checker at the hardware store, the clerk at the
DMV -- say thank you....and mean it. A few, well-applied, moments of
appreciation can change your life. You just might notice better service
next time you come in. You might unexpectedly get a discount or special
deal. Don't try to fake it, though. An unfelt thank you does more damage
than good and can leave people with a worse opinion of you than when
you started.
Can the power of thank you be overestimated? I think not. In fact, it
can give us the energy and inspiration to do some truly great things.
When there is appreciation all around, teams begin to think and move
as one. Old animosities are forgotten and new friendships are formed.
Everything just seems to come together and amazing things can happen.
What does it cost? A few minutes of connection. A few moments of appreciation
for a job well done. Imagine such a large reward from such a small investment.
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