A "really" cheap PC
Now this sounds like a way to get a computer, a usab;e computer into everyone's hands.
I have been investigating re-purposing older computers as Linux-based workstations. I am amazed at how much work you can do with an older Pentium III running at 450 mhz, when you have a lean and mean operating system running the show. My experiences have shown that this is definitely the path to get computers, and the power they bring, into people's hands.
Steve Ballmer's $100 PC, Sans Windows
Martin_Flory writes "SolarPC has announced the $100 personal computer. Steve Ballmer's idea for reducing piracy was great after all, since this computer runs on Linux (DSL Distro). 'The design and construction of the SolarLite is consistent with the goal of an environmentally friendly computer. It uses a lightweight, recyclable, aluminum case that has a 20-year warranty. Its VIA chipset based "long-life" motherboard is a "green" lead free product. Like all SolarPC computers, the SolarLite operates on 12 volt DC power and can be run from a solar panel, car battery, or human powered (with a bicycle-based generator). The cool and quiet SolarLite uses approximately 10 watts of energy, just a fraction of what a standard PC consumes.' Sounds amazing right? This could change education all around the globe... a new Information Era is coming, and everyone is invited." The site claims they'll be available next month (minimum order 100,000 units), and promises a demo at SCALE 2005. [Slashdot]"