
Previously published in Wired , November 1, 1994

Dialing up the stars

© 1994 By Douglas E. Welch

The night sky has intrigued mankind for centuries but now there is a typically 90's way to explore the universe. The Mount Wilson Institute in cooperation with CalTech, JPL and others has given elementary and high school students a way to reach out and touch the stars via modem direct from their classroom. Gilbert Clark, Director of the TIE program feels that "TIE has demonstrated to the world that 'desk top astronomy and astrophysics' is not only a possibility, but a reality."

Mt. Wilson, California, home of the 100" Hooker telescope, has been the site of more major astronomical discoveries than any other observatory in the world. It is here that Edwin Hubble discovered the "Big Bang" and research continues to this day.

Using off the shelf hardware and software the 24" telescope can locate and track thousands of astronomical objects. Students select an object using SkyPro planetarium software running on their PC. The telescope them positions itself to point at the object and track it by compensating for the earth's rotation. A 1024 x 1024 pixel CCD camera attached to the telescopes' eyepiece allows students to take electronic snapshots of these objects and download them to the PC. Once received these photos can be saved in a variety of formats or printed. The TIE program will also be creating a database of teacher materials and photos that will be accessible via the Internet. To access the telescope, schools need a 386 or 486-based computer running Windows 3.1, a 9600 bps or faster modem, 1 telephone line (2, if possible) and SkyPro software by Software Bisque. All that remains is to schedule a viewing time with the Institute.

The TIE program gives students around the world a chance to get up close and personal with the universe. To receive more information or schedule time on the 24" telescope contact: Ms. Melanie Melton, Education Program Director, Telescopes in Education, Box 24, Mt. Wilson, CA 91023, (818) 395-7579 Voice, (818) 395-7689 FAX. Branch offic korum for di