Everyone needs a “reel” to attract opportunity from Using the Career Compass To Find Your Career [Audio] (0:38)

Using the Career Compass to Find Your Work and Career with Douglas E. Welch 

Everyone needs a  

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Douglas E. Welch (http://douglasewelch.com) presents to the class Career Development – Theories and Techniques at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education & Psychology taught by fellow CareerCamp Co-Chair, Danielle Gruen

The two biggest challenges are deciding what you want to do as a career and then building the career you deserve once you decide.

I discuss the Career Compass method of discovering your career wants, needs and desires and then using various social media tools to show people “What you do and how well you do it”


There is no longer a reason these days not to have your own “reel” as they call it and that “reel” doesn’t just apply to the entertainment industry, ok, it applies to everything that we do. You need that reel. You need those things, those interesting things to show people. Go out there and start doing it. Take something that really interests you and start doing it. then you’re going to generate interesting stuff that you can share out there and start to share them with people and hopefully start to attach and start to bring that opportunity to you. Again, you just want to have people say “Hey, have you heard about “ummmph”? “I know someone who does “blah.” You never know where that’s going to lead. You really don’t.

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