The Northeast: Your Current Likes from Transition is the New Normal 2016 [Video] (1:01)

A clip from the presentation, “Transition is the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on March 4, 2016

Watch this entire presentation

The Northeast: Your Current Likes from Transition is the New Normal 2016



Let’s say our preference is to head North. That’s where we want to go in our life. In these 4 quadrants, I want you to start notating things. Up here, these are things you’re doing today that you like doing. So, doing positive (D+) that’s why that’s there. so, things you’re doing now that you like. Things about your career — and this isn’t about — don’t think macro. Don’t think “I like being a policeman. ” Think about I like dealing with the public. I like dealing with kids.” Break down your preferences into those things about your current work and current life that you really like doing. And you start to mark those in your compass up here. I like technology. I like gardening and I’m doing a bit of both. I do some YouTube videos on gardening and stuff like that. You can use the distance from the center as kind of a scale. Something out at the edge maybe you like more than something in the middle. You can actually even get very fine with your gradations there.

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