Transition Makes Us Better from Transition is the New Normal 2016 with Douglas E. Welch [Video] (0:45)

A clip from the presentation, “Transition is the New Normal” to OPEN (Outstanding Professionals Employment Network) Ventura County in Simi Valley, CA on March 4, 2016

Watch this entire presentation

Transition Makes Us Better from Transition is the New Normal 2016 with Douglas E. Welch



It can feel very, very, difficult, but what is it about the human psyche that is so amazing? We adjust. We learn to adapt. We actually would eventually get used to it. It would become normal to us as in “Transition as the New Normal.” We would learn to deal with it. And, even more importantly, you’d probably be better off having gone through the process, because it triggers a different part of your mind, a different part of your body. It may not feel good when you’re going through the process, but it does offer us some benefit, even though we may have a difficult time seeing it while it is taking place.

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