Start a career club today from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Archive] [Audio]

Start a career club today

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

Article after article, both online and in the traditional media recount the story of the thousands of unemployed Americans visiting their local employment office, only to be faced with long lines, long waits and hundreds of people in competition for each listed job. While these services are important and welcome, it strikes me that your local employment office might be one of the worst places to look for a job. While I don’t suggest you stop visiting the office and looking for opportunities, I would also suggest you try some less traditional methods of finding your next job. What I’m suggesting is that you band together with both employed and unemployed neighbors to combine your job-hunting efforts on a regular basis.

At first it might seem odd to encourage you to come together on your own, after all this is basically what the employment office does. Instead, though, I want you to come together for your own specific interests and needs. The jobs listed at the employment office are well publicized, perhaps even largely advertised in newspapers and online. A career club, though, can turn up lesser known opportunities passed by word of mouth. They can turn up opportunities that might not be an actual job today, but could turn into one with a little effort

Read this entire column – Start a Career Club Today

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