Big ideas and small actions from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Archive] [Audio]

Big ideas and small actions

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

It is often our big ideas, our big plans, our big goals that sustain the energy of our career. This is especially true if we are not currently enjoying our job. Having plans, and working towards our goals, gives us a focus beyond the day-to-day grind that can sometimes be our reality. The problem is, of course, that big projects take a long time to come to fruition. What must you do in the meantime to maintain your income and lifestyle while striving for these bigger goals? The best advice I can offer is to break down your bigger projects into much, much smaller parts — parts that can be monetized quickly — but also parts that work towards the larger project.

I had a great discussion the other night at the LA Geek Dinner, a regular event which brings together 40-50 tech and tech-related folks for food, drinks and open discussion. Among this group I am beginning to see more and more people who are at the end of consulting contracts, looking for a new job or who have recently been laid off. Many of these people are the smartest and most motivated people in town, yet they are now faced with financial troubles as the economy slows. One major issue is that they have some amazing ideas and projects, but are wondering how they will pay the rent at the end of the month. They don’t want to stop pursuing their projects, but they need to find some immediate source of income. You can guess how frustrating this can be.

Read this entire column – Big ideas and small actions

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