Time to turn off the news from the Career Opportunities Podcast [Audio] [Archive]

Time to turn off the news

Career Opportunities Logo 2012

From the Career Opportunities Archives…

While this might sound odd from a self-professed news junky like myself, there comes a time, like the present, when the best course of action is to ignore the daily news and focus on what is important to you. Yes, we should all seek to be informed, but lately the mainstream news sources have begun focusing on what “may” happen instead of reporting on what “is” happening. This can lead us all down the road into depression, if we allow it. My recommendation when this begins to happen is to seek to be aware of the world, but don’t wallow in the bad news.You would have to be living in a cave to not be aware of the problems facing us today. The economy is our main trouble but other problems exist as well. Picking up the paper today, or turning on the television news, is an exercise in doom and gloom. It is important that we have an understanding of our troubles, but it is also important to be able to see beyond those troubles.

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