Video: First Career Prescription: LinkedIn from “Career Prescriptions” with Douglas E. Welch

Video: First Career Prescription: LinkedIn from

From “Career Prescriptions” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch)

Watch this entire presentation – “Career Prescriptions” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch



One of the things I have been doing recently in the Career Opportunities column, I’ve been writing a series of career prescriptions and most of these prescriptions have to do with online, social media and new media. Because often we can’t understand the benefit of some of these media until we actually get involved with them. And so, in Jennifer and I talking in the chat one night, we said, “You know what? That’s what we need! We need to write people a prescription.” Just like when you go to the doctor, we need to write a prescription that says, I know you don’t exactly how this drug interacts and what it does for your body, but you need to take this. Ok? We go to the doctor. We expect them to give a prescription if w’re not feeling well, right? We expect them to do something for us. Even if we may not like it. That’s what I’ve been doing with these columns — these career prescriptions is I’m saying, “I know you may not understand what it’s going to do for you. You may not understand exactly how it works. You may not understand why, but what I am asking you to do is take 5 minutes and try it.”

Douglas is writer and host of Career Opportunities, a long running column and podcast dedicated to “Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!” Career Opportunities began in 1997 as a magazine column and expanded to a podcast in 2004. Douglas is also a New Media Consultant, Technology and Career Consultant with over 30 years experience in high-tech. You can find all of Douglas’ work at

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