Things I Learnt in 2021 via Vadim Drobinin [Shared]

I am in a constant search for interesting reading, photos, and more, so this blog post was right up my alley. You see the benefits of what I find in posts like this and other [Shared] posts.

If you’d like to see new items the moment I discover the, join my Discord server and join in the discussion! You’ll find my best discoveries in the #interesting-links channel. – Douglas

Vadim Drobinin | Things I Learnt in 2021

Things I Learnt in 2021 via Vadim Drobinin [Shared]

I am pretty much a knowledge addict. I use Twitter, RSS, and numerous other mediums of information — from Telegram channels to standalone blogs. Out of a thousand articles a hundred gets skimmed through. A few dozens make it to my “Read Later” list, and only a fraction I find worthy of sharing. These worthy ones end up in my weekly newsletter, the [Tuesday Triage](, where I comment on the most intriguing articles I’ve read and share facts I learnt over the week. Some of those trivia are not trivial at all, so I decided to condense 10% of this _crème de la crème of the Internet_ in a subjective list of the best ones in no particular order.

Read Vadim Drobinin | Things I Learnt in 2021

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