The Best Gadgets for Frothing Milk via Kitchn [Shared] [Coffee]

I love these detailed comparisons between various kitchen gadgets. They are clear, informative, and actionable and often find a way directly into use in my kitchen. — Douglas

The Best Gadgets for Frothing Milk | Kitchn

The Best Gadgets for Frothing Milk via Kitchn [Shared] [Coffee]

If I’m ordering an iced coffee, I’m getting cold foam on it. That thick layer of pillowy dairy just makes the entire drink. All you latte-lovers and cappuccino-drinkers out there get it. The love for the foam is fierce.

But, too often, we treat foam like a special treat we can only get from coffee shops — like baristas are the only ones who can froth milk. Well, guess what? They aren’t! You can easily make foam yourself at home. There are tons of gadgets and tricks out there that can help. Not all are as effective, though. So, I set out to find the best gadget for frothing milk. Read up and then froth away to your heart’s content.

Read The Best Gadgets for Frothing Milk | Kitchn

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