What I’m Reading: Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters – 28 in a series – ““racial radicalism” of “gigantic proportions” would follow World War II””

“The noted black sociologists St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton predicted in 1945 that “racial radicalism” of “gigantic proportions” would follow World War II unless the United States made significant racial progress. African Americans “were aware . . . that they were participating in a titanic struggle fought under the banner of the Four Freedoms. They were liberating people from Fascism abroad and they were expecting to be liberated from Jim-Crow at home. For them this was a Fifth Freedom as precious as the other four.””

From Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters: The Struggle over Segregated Recreation in America by Victoria W. Wolcott

Race, Riots, and Roller Coasters: The Struggle over Segregated Recreation in America by Victoria W. Wolcott

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