Vintage Botanical Prints – 22 in a series – Aquilegia glandulosa from The floral cabinet and magazine of exotic botany Volume 1 (1837)

Vintage Botanical Prints – 22 in a series – Aquilegia glandulosa from The floral cabinet and magazine of exotic botany Volume 1 (1837) Click for larger image from The floral Continue Reading

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Vintage Botanical Prints – 21 in a series – Amanita muscaria from Pilze der Heimat ; eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder (1913)

Vintage Botanical Prints – 21 in a series – Amanita muscaria from Pilze der Heimat ; eine Auswahl der verbreitesten, essbaren ungeniessbaren und giftigen Pilze unserer Wlder (1913) Click for Continue Reading

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Vintage Botanical Prints – 20 in a series – Rosa Eglanteria Luteola from The New York Public Library Digital Collections (1817)

Vintage Botanical Prints – 20 in a series – Rosa Eglanteria Luteola from The New York Public Library Digital Collections (1817) Click for larger image from The New York Public Continue Reading

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