I have been thinking of trying out something like this and these photos give me even more desire to do it. — Douglas Read Hugelkultur in progress – first attempt. I’m sure mistakes were made, but I had fun building my HILL 🙂 I used up all of the rotten logs from the firewood pile. Some of them fell apart by the touch. I am hopeful. More on Hugelkultur Find more books on Bookshop Related posts: How I use Coffee Grounds In The Garden | Bren Haas via Creative Living with Bren Haas DIY Two-Bin Composter via Grit Design a Potager Garden via Grit 28 Cheap And Clever DIYs For Anyone Who Raises Chickens via BuzzFeed Mel 💚 on Instagram: “Doing what I love and sharing it with you makes me so happy ☺️ . Another cheap and cheerful wicker hanging basket to add to the collection…” via Instagram