Historical Garden Books:- 55 in a series – A garden with house attached (1904 by Sarah Warner Brooks

Historical Garden Books:- 55 in a series - A garden with house attached (1904 by Sarah Warner BrooksHistorical Garden Books:- 55 in a series - A garden with house attached (1904 by Sarah Warner Brooks

Historical Garden Books:- 55 in a series - A garden with house attached (1904 by Sarah Warner BrooksHistorical Garden Books:- 55 in a series - A garden with house attached (1904 by Sarah Warner Brooks

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‘A Garden with House Attached’

WHEN, by an unlooked-for sequence of events, I became manager of “The Garden with House Attached” (as an Important preliminary) along with “The Third Son” * I went over from Cambridge to take account of its possibilities. And here be it stated that from the time of his first trousers ” The Third Son ” had been my assistant gardener; and in all my horticultural enterprises, might still be counted in as ” aider and abettor.”

“Mother,” said this astute young person — on our return from this inspection — “It is a big job; but there is yet another week of my vacation. Let us make a beginning.”

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